Do you have a long report that took a lot of time and effort, but you are not really sure how anyone is going to use it? The Wisconsin Integrated HIV Prevention & Care Plan 2017-2021 is 130 pages long. If you are so inclined, you can read it here. I took this 130-page plan and paired it down to a 10-page overview document and a one page snapshot. The 10-page overview document is primarily used by health departments and community-based organizations to identify strategies and data that will support their grant writing. Here is a page out of the 10-page overview:
The one page snap shot is intended for the general public and anyone who would like a quick overview of the direction the Wisconsin State HIV Program is headed, seen here:
I developed a style guide for these overview documents and corresponding powerpoint deck. Using this color scheme and these fonts, I developed three pieces to make the 130-page statewide Wisconsin HIV plan more useful and accessible to a variety of audiences. If you have long reports, consider making a 10-page and a one-page version for the different audiences you want to interact with your report.
To see the complete overview documents, click here:
Great work!